LEWISTON, Idaho — “One thing I think is very simple but is often overlooked, this is an environment that is specifically designed to promote nothing but physical activity,” Damen Adams, General Manager and Head Trainer at LC Valley Snap Fitness
Adams says for working out, locations matter, especially with how easy it can be to get through the day without much activity.
“In today’s world, you can sit down and do anything, right? You can talk to your friends, you can sit down and move from place to place,” Adams said.
While it would be hard to say that it never happens, Adams says people who are committed to the gym, and the lifestyle and mindset that comes with it, are not who judges someone trying to get started.
“The opinions that matter in here are not the ones that are judging you, almost every person that is seasoned in the gym actually just wants you to show up tomorrow,” Adams said.
He says they understand what you are reaching for, and part of that misconception comes from the fact that the gym makes you vulnerable in a way, not many other places do.
“Biggest thing is just get in here, get uncomfortable, and get used to that. That only way that you grow, the only way you get closer to your goal is by getting uncomfortable,” Adams said.