Confession Time: I Love Kids’ Fitness YouTube

The quest to make fitness fun is a never ending one at our house. As someone who works in front of a computer all day, I’m forever struggling to get myself up and moving. I wish I could be one of those people who just loves the vibe of running or pushing myself physically and psychologically. But my mind instantly starts to wander, and I find myself getting unbelievably bored with the whole thing. 

One of the more interesting workout strategies I’ve found is the ZRX app, a walking and running fitness app that includes a zombie apocalypse game, a handful of Marvel adventures, and a ton of sci-fi and fantasy games like a stamina-building game in which players build a cloud city colony on Venus. I really enjoy using the app. 

But even when I’m getting my steps in, it’s important to break up my job-related screen time as much as possible, since on long work days, I can end up in front of a computer for up to 12 hours. Since the teens are spending most of their day in front of a desk, the same is true for those guys. And with winter weather already upon us, it’s even more important to find ways to get moving while we’re stuck inside. 

Probably the most fun thing we do to get moving around here is the living room dance party, something Arthur and Lucy enjoy doing with me. We push around some furniture to clear a little space, kick up some Gaga, and suddenly it’s disco-thirty in the living room. 

But recently, we discovered something new on YouTube that we’re definitely not the target audience for, but have instantly fallen in love with it. And I wanted to share it with you all in case you’re like us and need a little more gamification to motivate you to move — and don’t mind feeling and acting absolutely silly while you’re doing it. 

What is this magic, you ask? YouTube exercise games designed for younger children. They’re meant as “brain breaks” during kids’ school days or learning sessions, but they can also work as a much-needed movement break for big kids or grown-ups. 

Before you swipe away, just hear me out. 

These silly games use on-screen visuals and first person POV kind of like a platformer game, forcing players to jump, duck, grab, and other moves that younger kids can easily do. Sure, it’s hardly hardcore cardio and it’s not a replacement for a serious gym workout by any stretch (pun intended). But it’s a ton of fun, and it gets everyone doing at least a little cardio when they might otherwise be sitting around staring at a screen. These games are also really silly, and they usually have us cracking up by the time they’re over. If you and your kids (or young-at-heart teens) need something to help you get moving that will leave you laughing, it’s worth trying out. 

And as YouTube gamer Skooch observed when he only played VR fitness games for 30 days, a bad workout is better than no workout. 

There’s also something really satisfying about movement that gets you off the sofa but doesn’t put pressure on you to achieve any goal other than finishing the imaginary course. And because it’s designed for kids, it’s exercise that works well for folks at most fitness levels and can even be adapted for various mobility levels. Feeling winded? Just don’t jump as high for now. There are also different fitness levels to choose from.

If your family is of a bookwormish variety but likes to get into silly shenanigans or you’re just a person who needs a little something to get you off your bum that won’t leave you feeling disappointed, bored, or inadequate, kids’ fitness YouTube is just cheesy enough to be an absolute blast. Just make sure you’ve got plenty of space between each player!

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Here are a few of our favorites to get started with: 

This was our gateway video that had our family absolutely splitting our sides. Your goal is to run through the candy forest collecting gummy candy. 

It’s exactly what it sounds like it is. You’re Mario, and you’re grabbing pumpkins through the haunted castle. 

Avoid obstacles and stay off the floor, or you’ll be a goner!

Breaking blocks, jumping over Goombas. Need I say more?

If you’re one of those beautiful mutants who lives for exercise, I salute you. But if you’re like our family and you’d rather be LARPing, what silly things do you do to get moving? Let me know in the comments, and have a healthy week in your little nebula!

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