Stretching is foundational to fitness. Flexibility may be taken for granted, but it’s everywhere—it’s how we bend down to pet a dog, reach across the dinner table for mashed potatoes, and climb the stairs.
According to Medical News Today, the plethora of benefits to stretching—beyond helping with activities of daily living—include mood and focus enhancement, pain and stress reduction, increased blood flow, and better posture.
Fortunately, gyms and wellness centers across Virginia are here to keep those stretching muscles in top shape. With classes and therapies that get you bending, twisting, and extending in every direction, check out these spots to keep your mobility strong.
Breathe Body & Mind: Tone/Balance/Stretch classes, West Springfield, BreathBodyMind.com
Fitness 24/7: Assisted stretch therapy training, Virginia Beach, Fitness247VB.com
Fredericksburg Fitness Studio: Assisted stretching sessions and mobility exercises, Fredericksburg, FburgFitness.com
Onelife Fitness: Specialist-guided stretch and recovery sessions; statewide locations,
StretchLab: One-on-one assisted stretch sessions, statewide locations, StretchLab.com
Stretch Zone: Stretch sessions with a specialized table, Northern and Central Virginia, StretchZone.com
The Feel Better Lounge: Private stretch therapy sessions, Richmond, TheFeelBetterLounge.com
Thesis Personal Training: Personalized stretching and mobility training, Vienna, ThesisFit.com
This article originally appeared in the February 2025 issue.