Shoaib Malik, the former Pakistan captain, recently shared an adorable video of his son showcasing his remarkable athletic skills. Mr Malik shared the short clip on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday. It showed his son, Izhaan Mirza Malik, smashing an obstacle course while being assisted by a trainer. Notably, Izhaan’s athletic skills may not come as much of a surprise as both his parents, Mr Malik and India’s tennis star Sania Mirza, are known to be legends in the sports industry.
“Fitness runs in the family. Like father, like son,” the former Pakistani all-rounder captioned the post.
Watch the video below:
Fitness runs in the family.
Like father, like son ❤️ pic.twitter.com/WNaurlybF5— Shoaib Malik 🇵🇰 (@realshoaibmalik) November 1, 2023
Since being shared, the video has accumulated more than 314,000 views and over 8,000 likes. In the comment section, while some users called Izhaan “adorable”, others called it “cute”. Some users even credited Sania Mirza for the little one’s enthusiasm towards sports.
“Pakistani future cricketer,” wrote one user. “This is gold,” said another. A third user commented, “So beautiful so elegant just looking like a WOW”.
“You are ignoring his mom @realshoaibmalik . Izhan’s mom is one of the fittest athletes ever. Most of the credit goes to his mother,” said a fourth. “Like mother, like son,” added another.
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Meanwhile, Mr Malik shared the clip days after celebrating Izhaan’s fifth birthday in Dubai. He shared a series of pictures from his son’s big day, which showed Sania Mirza in the background. “Happy birthday beta. Baba loves you,” he wrote in the caption.
Sania Mirza and Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik welcomed their son Izhaan in 2018 after getting married in 2010 in an intimate ceremony. Since 2022, the rumours of separation have been in the news. The speculation was triggered by Sania Mirza’s cryptic post on Instagram. “Where do broken hearts go? To find Allah,” she wrote on November 8.