A Journalist Is Accused for Participation in a Capitol Riot

Authorities said a former top editor at a so-called “politically incorrect” Orthodox Jewish publication in New York City was arrested on Thursday for his alleged involvement in the attack on the Capitol on January 6. Elliot Resnick, age 39, was charged with disorderly conduct and assault or interference with police enforcement. An FBI agent’s affidavit says that after the police line broke, Resnick, who was then the editor-in-chief of The Jewish Press, can be seen advising other rioters to follow him up the steps of the Capitol. According to criminal records, he is afterward seen grasping the arm of a Capitol cop, spraying the throng to keep them away from the building’s entrance. The arrest of Resnick occurred more than two years after he was recognized in a Politico article regarding riot footage. The publisher of The Jewish Press, Naomi Mauer, told Politico at the time that the newspaper believed Resnick “behaved lawfully.”

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