Add years to your life by following a simple 8-step checklist for better heart health

  • Having a healthy heart can slow age-related decline and extend your life, a study suggests. 
  • Cardiologists recommend habits like eating a nutritious diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep. 
  • People who followed the heart-healthy habits were six years younger than their biological age.



Following eight simple habits can help improve your heart health to slow biological aging and add an average of six years onto your life, new research suggests.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 6,500 adult Americans, presented as preliminary findings at American Heart Association (AHA) 2023 Scientific Sessions. They wanted to compare participants actual (chronological) age with how quickly their bodies were aging. To do so, they used a measure called “phenotypic age,” which uses health metrics including inflammation and organ function to help assess if your body is “younger” or “older” than your age would suggest, according to Nour Makarem, senior study author and professor of epidemiology at Columbia University.

“Phenotypic age is a practical tool to assess our body’s biological aging process and a strong predictor of future risk of disease and death,” Makaren said in a press release.

The researchers found that better heart health was linked to slower aging.



“We also found a dose-dependent association — as heart health goes up, biological aging goes down,” Makaren said.

For example, the average age of study participants with good heart health was 41, but their biological age was 36.

In contrast, poor heart health was linked to faster aging — participants were 53 on average, but had a biological age of 57.

The researchers calculated that people with the best heart health habits were almost six years younger, biologically, than their age suggested.



They most closely followed the AHA’s latest guidance for a heart-healthy lifestyle such a eating nutritious food, getting enough sleep and physical activity, and managing factors like cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

an elderly couple walking on a rocky shoreline of a lake amid sunny skies and mountains.

Exercise and other daily habits can add healthy years to your life.

Fly View Productions/Getty Images

8 heart-healthy habits include a good diet, exercise, and managing weight and blood sugar

Just one in five Americans has good cardiovascular health, according to previous estimates from a panel of doctors writing on behalf of the AHA.

The key factors that predict your heart health, and point to habits you can follow for better cardiovascular wellness, are:



Checking off each of the eight factors on the list by incorporating them into daily habits can help you stave off an early death and boost your health for the long-haul, the researchers said.

“Greater adherence to all Life’s Essential 8 metrics and improving your cardiovascular health can slow down your body’s aging process and have a lot of benefits down the line,” Makarem said in the press release. “Reduced biologic aging is not just associated with lower risk of chronic disease such as heart disease, it is also associated with longer life and lower risk of death.”

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