Bekah Clawson column: Why food insecurity, health are interconnected

Food insecurity and health are inextricably linked.

People living in food insecure homes experience challenges in accessing nutritious foods, and they face barriers to consistently adopting healthy eating patterns.

A poor diet that lacks nutritious food has detrimental effects on a person’s physical and mental health. Health is important for everyone, no matter their age. When someone doesn’t have enough food or can only afford foods with low nutritional value, it can seriously impact their health.

Food insecurity, nutrition, and health are closely connected. People facing food insecurity have few options for nutritious foods and healthy eating. Poor nutrition increases the risk of health issues like diabetes and hypertension. Food insecurity makes managing a chronic disease even harder.

Just today, I received an email from a social worker asking if our staff could help connect one of her clients to some healthy and nutritious food. It seems that after being diagnosed with diabetes and receiving recommendations to eat more fresh and healthy food, he was having some difficulty affording enough of those specific foods to satisfy his doctor’s recommendations.

Second Harvest Food Bank works hard at providing fresh produce at our public distribution sites and through our partners. We are doing everything we can to extend the life of fruits and vegetables that are donated to us from our retail partners. When specific produce items are requested, we purchase in large quantities so that the cost is as low as possible.

If you are lucky enough to never have to worry about where healthy and nutritious food can be secured to feed you or your family, why not choose to give back?

This month, we are focused on Neighbors Helping Neighbors and are suggesting that you consider helping to make a difference for just one neighbor dealing with food insecurity monthly.

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