Category: Healthy Eating

  • FMI report: food industry committed to health and well-being initiatives

    ARLINGTON, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–As Americans’ interest in nutrition and healthy eating has increased in recent years, companies across the food industry have implemented numerous initiatives to support consumers’ health needs and priorities, according to FMI – The Food Industry Association’s new Food Industry Contributions to Health and Well-Being 2024 report. The survey, conducted in October 2023, includes insights from…

  • How My Faith Radically Changed What I Eat

    How My Faith Radically Changed What I Eat

    Starting this Lent, I’m giving up red meat … forever. Typically, Christians have honored the 40-day season of reflection, repentance, and renewal before Easter by giving something up — like alcohol, sweets, or social media — or adding in a new spiritual discipline that helps us “slow down, to tend to our roots, and to…

  • 6 Gut-Healthy Trader Joe’s Finds to Pick Up This Spring

    6 Gut-Healthy Trader Joe’s Finds to Pick Up This Spring

    If you’re not sure if Brassica refers to a family of musical instruments or vegetables, you’re not alone (it’s the latter).  Brassica is a genus of plants that includes fiber- and antioxidant-packed cruciferous veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale and cauliflower. It also includes mustard plants, turnips and bok choy, plus another vegetable you…

  • 18 Breakfast Recipes to Help Support Brain Health

    18 Breakfast Recipes to Help Support Brain Health

    Energize your morning routine and promote better brain health with these breakfast recipes that help support cognitive function. Loaded with ingredients like walnuts, kale, blueberries and eggs, these dishes are packed with vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that your brain needs to thrive. Enjoying these flavorful foods consistently can lead to improved memory, heightened concentration…

  • What is the Atlantic diet? How a Spanish, Portuguese-inspired diet could reduce metabolic syndrome risk

    What is the Atlantic diet? How a Spanish, Portuguese-inspired diet could reduce metabolic syndrome risk

    The Mediterranean diet focuses on healthy eating habits popularized in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and has been hailed the best overall diet for seven years straight, boasting a range of health benefits. But a new study has found a fresh culinary contender — the Atlantic diet — popularized recently for focusing on foods eaten…

  • Heart Health 101: UAB expert offers top tips for heart-healthy diet

    Heart Health 101: UAB expert offers top tips for heart-healthy diet

    Written by: Katherine KirkMedia contact: Anna Jones A healthy lifestyle is about small changes over time that build upon each other.February is American Heart Month, but heart health is important all year round. Elizabeth Jackson, M.D., a cardiologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Cardiovascular Institute, says making small lifestyle changes can reduce the…

  • Lander initiative makes locally sourced, healthy foods accessible to the community

    Lander initiative makes locally sourced, healthy foods accessible to the community

    LANDER, Wyo. (Wyoming News Now) – Wyoming is an agriculturally rich state. Yet, finding fresh, locally sourced foods can be difficult for people living in more rural areas. One group in Fremont County is working to put these products on people’s dinner plates. Meadowlark Cafe is part of the Wind River Slow Food project, a…

  • Unraveling Intermittent Fasting: A Comprehensive Guide to its Benefits, Stages, and Precautions

    Unraveling Intermittent Fasting: A Comprehensive Guide to its Benefits, Stages, and Precautions

    Intermittent fasting (IF), a popular diet trend, is gaining considerable attention due to its potential health benefits such as weight loss, increased metabolism, and reduced inflammation. The process of IF involves four stages: the fed state, early fasting state, fasting state, and the long-term fasting or starvation state, with each stage bringing about distinct metabolic…

  • Labelling all ultra-processed foods as ‘bad’ confusing for consumers, say experts

    Labelling all ultra-processed foods as ‘bad’ confusing for consumers, say experts

    New research suggests there is a ‘clear overlap’ between the healthiness of food, front of pack labelling and the level of food processing. However, not all ultra-processed foods are unhealthy. Dr Adrian Brown, the lead author of the study and a specialist dietitian from UCL Division of Medicine, says at the moment, there is not…

  • The 5 Healthiest Fast-Food Fish Sandwiches—and 9 To Avoid

    The 5 Healthiest Fast-Food Fish Sandwiches—and 9 To Avoid

    February 14th signals the start of Lent for many, marking the countdown to Easter. Although traditions differ per person and religious affiliation, one common practice is to stop eating meat on Fridays and switch to delicious fish in religious observance of this season. Regardless of whether you partake in Lent, fast-food chains across the nation…