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Fitness Club Merritt Island Team Coach Frank Buzzo recognized for four consecutive national wins

Locally owned and operated, Fitness Club Merritt Island is located at 1450 North Courtenay Pkwy. Suite 15 in the Shoppes of Victoria Square is among the longest-running fitness centers in Brevard County.
BREVARD COUNTY • MERRITT ISLAND, FLORIDA – The WNPF National Powerlifting Championships were recently held in Greenville, South Carolina and seven Space Coast teenagers, including Lucas Pollock, McKenzie Davis, Tyler Scott, Caleb Hoats, Jack Mosier, Devin Schylaske and River Dennis came home with multiple national and world records.
Fitness Club Merritt Island Team Coach Frank Buzzo was also recognized for his four consecutive national wins from a few years ago.
When life threw a huge lemon at Buzzo, he squeezed it into sweet lemonade for the next generation.
The world-champion powerlifter, a beloved fixture at the Fitness Club of Merritt Island, had an almost fatal heart attack last year when then 71-year-old Buzzo tried lifting 425 pounds.
Quick-thinking friends and staff at the Fitness Club, plus an automated external defibrillator, saved his life, aided by the more than 100 individuals, who at the gym that day, reacted in unison by going on their knees to pray for Frank.
A couple of months later, Frank was back at the several times a week. His powerlifting days are now behind him, but he has devoted his efforts to the next generation of weightlifters, the Merritt Island Youth Powerlifting Program he helped launch at his favorite gym.
“We never had this kind of program before Frank,” said Fitness Club owner Lou Manley.
Buzzo has generously shared his time and extensive knowledge of the sport, as well as his treasure.
“Big Frank is always at the gym and he picks up the tab for hotels and food when the team goes to competitions,” Manley said.
Locally owned and operated, Fitness Club Merritt Island is located at 1450 North Courtenay Pkwy. Suite 15 in the Shoppes of Victoria Square is among the longest-running fitness centers in Brevard County.
“Locally owned and operated, we pride ourselves in offering our services to help train, educate, and inform our members’ bodies and mindsets,” said co-owner Lou Manley.
“Our full-service facility provides an ideal space for all ages to learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our gym has everything needed to help you reach your wellness goals. We were fortunate enough to move to North Courtenay and increase our space to 21,000 square feet. By making this change, we could offer our members so much more under one roof.”

Formidable Force
In just a few months of intensive training, the Fitness Club team has evolved into a formidable force that garnered significant kudos at the World Natural Powerlifting Federation National Powerlifting Championships, recently held in Greenville, South Carolina.
“We brought home the Team Champions Award!” Manley said.
The World Natural Powerlifting Federation is one of the most respected drug-free powerlifting federations in the world.
The co-ed Merritt Island team, primarily Merritt Island High School students ranging in age from 15 to 19 and include three girls in the team, competed in the Bench Press, Deadlift and Squat competition.
Participating in the National Powerlifting Championships were 16-year-old Lucas Pollock, McKenzie Davis, 19; Tyler Scott, 17; Caleb Hoats, 16; Jack Mosler, 16; Devin Schyleske, 16, and 17-year-old River Dennis.
Pollock went nine for nine on lifts, earning three world records and Davis, scored on eight for nine on lifts with one national record in Bench Press and two world records. Scott was eight for nine lifts. Hoats set a national record on Bench Press. Mosler was nine for nine on lifts with three world records and Schyleske went eight for nine on lifts with one world record.
“This is a huge honor, because the championships draw participants from all over,” Manley said.

On the Map for Powerlifting
Now squarely on the map for powerlifting, Fitness Club Merritt Island will act as host of the World National Powerlifting Federation Florida Championships on January 12, 2024, as well as the Federation’s Masters’ Nationals and Pam Am Championship come June 1 of next year.
Manley credits Big Frank for the meteoric success of the team.
“This all happened because of Frank,” he said.
When Buzzo is not home, he can usually be found at the Fitness Club, coaching and training the young athletes under his wing. He travels with them to competitions, too.
Beyond enhancing physical prowess, powerlifting helps young lifters build self-esteem, determination, character and a team-player attitude. Buzzo considers the opportunity to so positively impact the next generation a huge blessing.
“I have the pleasure of working with a great group of kids that are dedicated to being the best that they can be,” he said. “I am grateful to give back the 40 years of knowledge in powerlifting that God has blessed me with. I truly believe working with these kids is what God has called me to do.”

Locally owned and operated, Fitness Club Merritt Island is located at 1450 North Courtenay Pkwy. Suite 15 in the Shoppes of Victoria Square is among the longest-running fitness centers in Brevard County.
Founded in 2003, the club opened as Island Fitness of Brevard by a group of friends and has made many changes and improvements while remaining committed to the loyal following built up over the years and among the few privately owned gyms on the Space Coast.
“Locally owned and operated, we pride ourselves in offering our services to help train, educate, and inform our members’ bodies and mindsets,” said co-owner Lou Manley.
“Our full-service facility provides an ideal space for all ages to learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our gym has everything needed to help you reach your wellness goals. We were fortunate enough to move to North Courtenay and increase our space to 21,000 square feet. By making this change, we could offer our members so much more under one roof.”
Members will find a bounty of classes and amenities at the newly expanded facility, including an array of brand-new modern high-performance Hammer Strength training equipment, an on-site childcare area and a protein and juice bar.
After a recent expansion project, the gym now features more than 21,000 square feet and includes additional exercise equipment, a new aerobics room, a turf area, additional wet areas and more.
Fitness Club Merritt Island offers the Space Coast’s best personal trainers for hire, fitness level esthetics, child care, the best and most varied exercise classes, and many more convenient amenities.
“Above all, we take pride in the cleanliness of our facility,” said Manley.

■ FITNESS AND CARDIO CLASSES: Learn proper technique with skilled exercise class instructors at Fitness Club MI. Classes include the latest strength workouts, cycling, and group exercise classes. There is a fitness class for everyone! Classes include Yoga, Spin, Silver Sneakers, Pilates, HIIT / Core, Zumba / Zumba Light, HIITSTEP and more.
■ FREE WIFI/CARDIO TVs: More powerful than ever, Fitness Club Merritt Island’s WiFi is now available in every corner of every club. Streaming your favorite music or video while you work out has never been easier.
■ 24-HOUR ACCESS AVAILABLE: You will have access to this world-class facility 24 hours a day, seven days a week when you join. Fitness Club Merritt Island is monitored and recorded via dozens of closed caption security system cameras. You can feel safe coming in any time of the night. Members under the age of 18 will not have 24-hour access.
■ LARGEST GYM IN BREVARD: In addition to offering Brevard County’s largest free weights section, personal trainers have a training room for semi-private training sessions.
■ CHILD CARE SERVICES: Onsite childcare is available to all members. The safety, security and comfort of members and their children is a high priority.
■ PERSONAL TRAINING: Featuring the most experienced certified fitness trainers and consultants on the Space Coast.
Among the options offered at the family-owned gym are core classes, Zumba and Zumba Light, Boot Camp and Silver Sneakers classes for older adults. Insurance plans such as United Healthcare are welcome, or members may opt for a self-pay month-to-month or purchase three, 6, or 12-month memberships.
Manley, and partner Steve Ash, have been strong supporters of community organizations since the day they took ownership, sponsoring teams at Merritt Island High School, including volleyball, baseball, girls’ lacrosse and softball and also orchestrating several blood drives at the gym.
“Work fast and hard,” is the motto of Fitness Club Merritt Island and applies not just to the members but also to the owners.