Unveils the Decarb Guidebook: A Comprehensive Resource for Decarbonizing Hospitals

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — With global climate change taking center stage and the healthcare sector being responsible for 4%-5% of the emissions of greenhouse gasses worldwide, the intersection of healthcare and environmental conservation has never been more critical. The decarb:HEALTHCARE Guidebook, a California Energy Commission grant-funded research project, highlights existing and emerging decarbonization technologies and customized design strategies to help substantially reduce natural gas consumption in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, increase efficiency for building energy systems, and provide a clear path to decarbonizing hospitals.

This interactive platform is intended to aid hospitals in the planning and design of retrofit projects to substantially reduce operating costs and meet organizational and/or state decarbonization goals. It also serves as a reference tool for hospital owners, operators, designers, architects, engineers, and regulators to understand the benefits of using advanced technologies and designs to minimize natural gas use, reduce GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions, reduce healthcare costs and provide benefits for investor-owned utility (IOU) ratepayers.

Supplementary to the Guidebook and interactive community, decarb:HEALTHCARE enables specific topic querying for quick answers. Additionally, the Decarb Strategy Tool guides users, based on a specific facility and conditions, with a list of recommended technologies and implementation best practices. .

Understanding the Need for Decarbonization:

Decarbonization is the methodical reduction (and elimination) of carbon emissions emanating from the construction, operation, and maintenance of buildings. Decarbonizing our infrastructures is an essential move toward a low-carbon future and meeting global climate goals.

Leading global voices, from climate scientists to prominent health and engineering organizations such as WHO (World Health Organization), the International Hospital Federation, and the International Federation of Healthcare Engineering, sound an echoing alarm: Act now to curb the accelerating public health crisis caused by climate change.

ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air conditioning Engineers) propounds that by 2030, our collective carbon footprint must be cut by at least 50%. This not only demands new zero-carbon initiatives but also a 50% reduction in our current practices.

The plea is straightforward. The climate is changing exponentially. The Decarb Guidebook, stemming from the collaboration of engineers, designers, and industry leaders, emphasizes optimism and action. By pooling resources, expertise, and passion, the Decarb Guidebook endeavors to be a “living” beacon for those in the healthcare sector looking for actionable solutions.

For more details, access the decarb:HEALTHCARE Guidebook on

SOURCE Mazzetti

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