Heart experts reveal top tips for cardiovascular health

Heart experts have released ten top tips to help Aussies keep on top of cardiovascular health.

The tips include 30 to 60 minutes of resistance exercise, keeping your waistline down and sticking to a Mediterranean diet.

A healthy diet should include plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish and low-fat dairy.

Heart experts have released ten top tips to help Aussies keep on top of cardiovascular health. (Getty Images/iStockphoto ArtemisDiana)

Highly processed foods should be avoided.

The most important thing to remember, experts said, is a good diet and exercise go hand in hand.

“This fixation on diet only is detrimental because people they lose weight and then they regain weight and most importantly as lose weight with diet, they lose muscle mass and mostly regain fat,” Professor Luigi Fontana from Charles Perkins Centre said. 

Intermittent fasting can be helpful for adults trying to lose weight, but binging on unhealthy foods needs to be cut out for it to be effective.

The most important thing to remember, experts said, is a good diet and exercise go hand in hand. (Nine)
Professor Luigi Fontana said eating well, exercise and losing weight can help keep the heart healthy. (Nine)

“They use basically food or other addictive substances to boost their dopamine,” Fontana said. 

Other tips include avoiding or limiting alcohol consumption, not smoking and getting between seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

Also advised are reducing exposure to pollution, managing stress levels, breaking bad habits and spending meaningful time with family.

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