Hello 2024, good-bye fitness resolutions!

An old video of comedian Zakir Khan’s quirky excuse to skip going to the gym has gone viral on social media. In the clip from a popular TV show, the comedian says that he will think about making a fitness resolution only when it’s the first day of the month, the New Year and Monday. Considering all three parameters are being ticked on Jan 1, we talked to people who have also been guilty of making excuses to not keep up their New Year’s fitness resolutions.

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Zakir Khan

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Zakir Khan

48% of people say improving fitness is a top priority in 2024
49% plan on using a fitness app to stick to their resolutions
43% feel they’ll give up their goal after just one month
10% think their fitness resolution will last
(Source: Forbes and Sundried)

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(Image: @viraj_ghelani/Instagram)

“My friends are the reason why I don’t stay true to my workout resolution. If they can’t follow it, they don’t let me either. This has been going on for many years now!” – Viraj Ghelani, actor-content creator

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(Image: @ashishchanchlani/Instagram)

“For most people, and the old me, making a resolution to be fit is like buying a toy that you play with for a week at best and then move on to other things” – Ashish Chanchlani, content creator

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(Image: @sejalkumar1195/Instagram)

“I have set resolutions many times before. Sometimes the interest fizzled out and sometimes I didn’t follow them at all. I have a fitness resolution again this year, and I plan to be consistent with it even if I mess up a few times” – Sejal Kumar, influencer

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(Image: @bhuvan.bam22/Instagram)

“To not break my New Year resolution of working out, I started lifting weights a few months ago to be in a great flow with a stronger will” – Bhuvan Bam, actor-comedian

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Sai Godbole

“Every year my resolution of “I am going to hit the gym” takes a detour to “Maybe tomorrow”. I have always been into sports so I enjoy playing instead of hopping onto the treadmill. So, adios to ‘Maybe Tomorrow’ and bonjour to a sport I actually love to play!”—Sai Godbole, actor and content creator

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