There’s nothing like a new year to make you rethink your health. And if you’re one of the three quarters of Americans who don’t meet the recommendations for weekly physical activity, one of your New Year’s resolutions may be to move your body more. But there’s one key challenge that can get in the way: sometimes you just really, really don’t feel like it.
Whether you struggle with your mental health, are low on energy or just plain can’t get motivated to move, you’re not alone. Here are six ways that personal trainers and physical therapists say you can stay active when you don’t feel like it.
Aim small
One tip that fitness experts agree on is to set small, achievable goals. For example, your initial goal could be to make it through just 5 minutes of exercise. Similarly, you could aim to do just three push-ups (or another exercise of choice).
“The key is to make the first step so easy that you can’t say no,” said Julie Lohre, a certified personal trainer, women’s fitness expert and co-founder of Fitbody.
Once you get moving, you’ll often feel like continuing for longer.
“Our minds want to stop sooner than our bodies, so get moving for a short time and reevaluate afterward,” said Daniel Richter, certified personal trainer and founder of Strength Log.
But even if you stop after reaching your initial goal, any exercise is better than none. Andrew White, personal trainer and founder of GarageGymPro, said, “it’s better to commit to a 10-minute walk than to aim for an hour and end up doing nothing.”

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