It’s Bio invites the consumers to go organic with a nutritionist

Informing the consumers about organic seasonal fruit and vegetables, the difference between conventional and organic cultivation, or the simple daily use of products in the kitchen.

All this (and much more) happened last Saturday (24th February) at the Almaverde Bio Island at the Ipercoop Centro Miralfiore in Pesaro as part of the new event of It’s Bio (It’s Good Healthy and Natural Bio Fruit&Veg), the European project promoted by AOP Gruppo Vi.Va, for the promotion of the organic production method for fruit and vegetables in Italy, Belgium and Greece.

The protagonist of the day was the Italian nutritionist Dr. Giulia Dellacostanza, available to the numerous customers who stopped in the fruit and vegetable department of the store. Graduated in nutrition science at the University of Urbino with a specialization in the same field at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, the doctor has been dealing with nutrition in the medical field for years with particular attention to prevention and food education projects.

“Shopping with the nutritionist has always been my motto and therefore I very willingly welcomed this initiative which proved to be quite profitable and participatory”, Giulia Dellacostanza explains at the end of the day. “It may seem trivial but it is important to accompany people in awareness of purchasing healthy products since healthy eating starts from the shopping cart”.

Many people stopped her in the corner set up on the organic Almaverde Bio Island with the most varied requests. “There was curiosity and participation. I gave advices on the seasonality of products, the differences between organic and traditional agriculture, the importance of the origin of cultivation and even how to read the label of a product. I explained to everyone that to adopt a healthy and balanced diet, a few precautions are enough, the fundamental thing is to have the ability to change one’s daily habits starting from the purchase of organic fruit and vegetables”.

For the whole day, to the participants have been offered the Tango/Tang Gold® mandarin, the organic mandarin from Almaverde bio.

It’s Bio is a project financed by the European Union and AOP Gruppo Vi.Va., with the participation of Almaverde Bio, Apofruit, Codma OP, Ca’ Nova, Coop Sole, AOP La Mongolfiera, OrtoRomi and OP Terre di Bari.

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