Letters from readers: travels to France; fun day of cycling; school food

Charlotte Lau (aged 11), St Paul’s Convent School (Primary Section)

Photo: Charlotte Lau

I love travelling around the world. Every year, my family takes me to a place I have never been to before.

Last year, we went to France. I was really surprised by how scrumptious the French snails were. Did you know that every year, about 40,000 tons of snails are eaten in France? Wow! French cuisine is considered one of the best in the world. If I had a chance, I would like to visit France again.

Nathan Chan Tin-shun (aged 7), WF Joseph Lee Primary School

Photo: Nathan Chan Tin-shun

During Chung Yeung Festival, my family and I went for a bike ride from Tin Shui Wai to Siu Hong. My sister and dad rode very quickly, while my mum and I rode very slowly because my feet were in pain. After cycling, we went for dessert. We all felt very satisfied after a full day of cycling.

Kris Kwong (aged 10), Renaissance College

Photo: Kris Kwong

In my school’s cafeteria, students get to choose between different meal sets. Some have both meat and vegetables, and there will always be one set for vegetarians.

But the line at the pizza counter is the longest. The food there is unhealthy because they rarely have vegetables. However, unhealthy food can lead to diseases like diabetes, overweight, and obesity.

My school should consider having more events to promote healthy foods, such as having a fruit day or veggie week, as this will encourage students to eat more healthy food.

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