Olpe fitness park project on steady pace according to latest report approved by USD 252 Board of Education Wednesday evening

USD 252 Southern Lyon County Board of Education members approved the latest Olpe Fitness Park project report as part of its monthly meeting Wednesday evening.

Board members approved the report as part of their consent agenda portion of the meeting with Superintendent Ryan Muhlig saying the report has become a regular agenda item since making a financial commitment to the venture. Muhlig adds, that everything appears to be moving in the “right direction.”

Muhlig says the district and Olpe Fitness Park committee have agreed to June 30 as the date for when both entities will come to the table with their previously agreed-upon dollar amounts for the project. For the district that total is $600,000 as approved earlier this year with the committee pledging to have raised $1.9 million according to Muhlig.

In other business Wednesday night, board members approved a 10 percent discount in child care for children of district employees. Given the state of the economy, Muhlig believes this could be a great recruitment and retention resource for the district in the future.

In other business, board members reviewed and approved insurance policies for the current academic year and the auditor contract for the 2024-25 academic year.

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