Campeonato de Futebol Amador de Brusque tem semifinais definidas
O Campeonato de Futebol Amador de Brusque teve a disputa das quartas de final no fim de semana de sábado, 21, e domingo, 22. As semifinais serão disputadas nos dias 28 e 29. A Abresc obteve a maior vitória, aplicando 4 a 0 sobre o Limeira Baixa. O Japa Auto Mecânica aplicou 4 a 1…
Tiger Basketball To Host Halloween “Boo-Up” Exhibition Game, Monday, Oct. 30
BATON ROUGE – The LSU men’s basketball team will celebrate Halloween early and get a final tune-up before the season opener at its exhibition contest on Monday, October 30, against Louisiana Christian in the Pete Maravich Assembly Center. The contest, billed as “Boo Up” on a play on the team’s popular “Boot Up” moniker, is…
Artemis 2 moon astronauts meet car racing teams at Formula 1
Two moon astronauts met with car racing teams to talk over how to make decisions on the fly. NASA‘s Reid Wiseman and the Canadian Space Agency‘s Jeremy Hansen are set to fly around the moon on Artemis 2 no earlier than November 2024. They walked out on the grid of the Formula 1 (F1) Grand…
Live Whole Health #192: Take a breath
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Former Australian Cricketer Targets 11 New UK Fitness Studios by March On Route to Century as Network Sales Surpass £10 Million
Club Industry was not involved in the creation of this content. LONDON, UK: STRONG Pilates – the innovative Pilates-inspired, cardio-infused fitness franchise born out of Australia – has announced network sales of £10.8 million as London-based UK managing director and former Australian cricketer John Hastings, 37, targets eleven new UK fitness studios by March. The long-term ambition…
Viih Tube doa metade das roupas após ganhar peso por causa da gravidez e desabafa sobre mudanças no corpo: “Não tenho nada cabendo”
Entretenimento A famosa, que antes vestia o tamanho PP, revelou qual é o novo tamanho das roupas dela Por Julia Beraldi 23/10/2023 – 17:29hs BRT 23/10/2023 – 17:29hs BRT Viih Tube – Foto: Instagram/Viih Tube Por Julia Beraldi Ganho de peso Através de uma postagem no canal no YouTube, Viih Tube revelou que doou metade…
Mohali News: पहले डायरेक्टर से जबरन लिफ्ट ली, फिर कार लूटकर ले भागे दो लुटेरे
मोहाली। सेक्टर-80 में एक कार सवार फिल्म डायरेक्टर से जबरन लिफ्ट लेकर पहले दो लुटेरे उनकी कार में बैठ गए। इसके बाद सेक्टर-89 में जब फिल्म डायरेक्टर पेशाब करने के लिए रुके तो दोनों लुटेरे कार चलाकर फरार हो गए। सोहाना थाना पुलिस ने दो आरोपियों के खिलाफ केस दर्ज कर जांच शुरू कर दी…
Michigan staffer accused of sign stealing allegedly used ‘illegal technology,’ bought dozens of tickets
Getty Images Michigan staffer Connor Stalions, who is at the center of the NCAA investigation into the program’s scouting practices, bought tickets for 30 games at 11 Big Ten stadiums over a three-year period, according to ESPN. Stalions reportedly forwarded some of the tickets to three different people around the country. The report also reveals that…
FGF participa de painel sobre prevenção e enfrentamento do Racismo no Futebol na Assembleia Legislativa do RS
Luciano Hocsman fala sobre o combate ao racismo em evento na Assembleia Legislativa | Foto: Maiara Medeiros / Odabá A Federação Gaúcha de Futebol – FGF, representada pelo presidente Luciano Hocsman, participou do painel “Racismo no Futebol: Prevenção e Enfrentamento”, na tarde desta segunda-feira, realizado no Teatro Dante Barone da Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande…
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Blueberries Every Day
Do you ever wonder about the health impact of those tiny blue bursts of flavor you sprinkle on your cereal or toss into your smoothies? Blueberries are touted for their many health benefits— no surprise, considering they pack more antioxidants than any other fruit, according to a 2021 study published in Molecules. But what happens…