Study Suggests a Deeper Role for Delicious Healthy Foods Like Avocados to Help Close Gap Between Good Intentions and Readiness to Act When it Comes to Planning for a Healthy Life

MISSION VIEJO, Calif., Feb. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A recent nationwide survey representing more than 1,000 adults reveals shortfalls in Americans’ approach to a healthier future compared to other major life events, despite the persistent threat of chronic diseases. According to the latest World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and respiratory illnesses are projected to cause 86% of the 90 million annual deaths by 2050 if current trends continue.

This pulse check on Americans’ attitudes found that despite the majority (75%) feeling very or somewhat prepared to plan for a healthy future, nearly one in four respondents admitted to being less confident when comparing it to how they would plan for things such as retirement, vacation, starting a family, getting married, or buying a home.

The results from this national sample spotlight an alarming gap between aspiration and action when it comes to prioritizing health. While nearly all (93%) respondents believe it is very or somewhat important to plan for a healthy life through good nutrition, only half (50%) of those who value health are consistently following through on maintaining healthy eating habits four to seven days a week. This finding is consistent with the CDC’s report that only 1 in 10 American adults consume enough fruits and vegetables daily. All told, 20% of respondents confess to a lack of confidence in their nutrition knowledge underscoring an opportunity for more education about nutrition to help get consumers’ intentions about healthy living closer to their reality.

“It’s not a surprise that even with the best of intentions to set ourselves up for a healthy, long life, we can fall short of our goals for lack of planning or knowledge,” said Dr. David Sabgir, Cardiologist, Founder of Walk with a Doc and Avocados – Love One Today® (LOT) Avocado Goodness Expert. “My advice to patients is to put energy into setting attainable goals that you can build on each month. Start with one new healthier behavior at a time so it’s not overwhelming and sustainable. For example, promise yourself you will promote better cardiovascular health by swapping out a spread high in saturated fat in favor of good fats like a creamy, heart-healthy avocado in your next sandwich.”

The survey is a crucial component of LOT’s, a science-based resource providing health and nutritional information about fresh avocados, “Invest in Your Health with Avocado Goodness” campaign to encourage Americans to prioritize a more holistic approach on how they think about long-term health, similarly to planning for long-term finances. The valuable insights gathered around individual attitudes and practices will be leveraged to show an actionable connection between a healthy diet and lifestyle behaviors that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and comorbidities. This data-driven approach will enable the campaign to address specific challenges and misconceptions, fostering a greater understanding of the tangible benefits that a nutritionally rich lifestyle, particularly incorporating avocados, can bring to long-term health.

About Avocados – Love One Today ®
Avocados – Love One Today® is a leading source of the healthiest reasons and tastiest ways to enjoy fresh avocados. A science-based resource, it provides facts about fresh avocados in relevant and credible ways to help make it easy for health professionals and consumers to learn more about the nutritional benefits of fresh avocados and ways to include them in everyday menus. Visit for avocado nutrition, recipes, and tips.   

This survey was conducted online by Directions Research, independently recognized as one of the nation’s leading business decision insight firms.  The survey was fielded from January 19-23, 2024 among a demographically balanced nationally representative sample of 1,011 U.S. adults 18 years of age and older.

SOURCE Avocados – Love One Today

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