Salt Lick Fitness, created by crew for crew, launched in 2021 with the “sole purpose of helping superyacht crew maintain a healthy mind and body.”
Salt Lick Fitness launched its fitness programs and app to get crew moving and feeling healthier to handle job demands and stress better. Created by current crewmembers — physical trainer and yoga instructor Christie Surveson and personal trainer Thomas Jones — Salt Lick Fitness offers individual and vessel-specific training on and off the boat. In 2023, they became Gym Marine’s crew wellbeing partner, with another potential ambassador partnership unveiling in 2024.
The next step seemed natural for the company — developing a range of compact gym equipment optimized for the marine environment for use on board and off. The new equipment line, the Salt Lick Fitness CrewKit range, came from the collaboration between Salt Lick Fitness and Gym Marine, which soon bore fruit: the Crew Bench. The Crew Bench officially launched in January 2024.
The Crew Bench is a “multifunctional gym bench and storage unit” similar to those you’d find ashore in large commercial gyms. The CrewKit bench is advanced and offers various inclined positions, plus an internal storage compartment. The bench seat folds flat, and the front folds away when not in use to minimize the onboard footprint and help with storage.
The Crew Bench includes six dumbbell pairs, two kettlebells, a slam ball, a collection of resistance bands, and a vinyl workout mat. Salt Lick Fitness used a metal frame based on Gym Marine’s feedback. The metal is coated with zinc before painting to help prevent corrosion. The free weights are wrapped in rubber, and the kettlebells have stainless handles. Also included is a fitted rain cover for protection from both UV rays and salt on deck.
The bench could be used on a heli-deck or swim platform or craned onto the dock for Salt Lick Fitness’s signature dockside workouts. It’s available in the standard black and silver Salt Lick Fitness colors, or it can be ordered with custom paint finishes, leather, and stitching, including the yacht’s logo.
Up to seven people can share the bench in group training, and all CrewKit can be paired with Salt Lick Fitness’s digital suite of videos and workouts — the Crew Bench’s QR code can be scanned to access an exercise library specifically for the equipment.
Limited pre-launch stock is available, and equipment delivery is expected before the 2024 Mediterranean summer season.
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