The best calisthenics exercises – and how to nail them

Rest 2:00 minutes

Every 2:00 minutes perform 5 sets (10:00 total)

8-12 tempo strict pull-ups
As with the press-ups, fast in the upward movement, hold and a three count as you lower yourself.

Rest 2:00 minutes

3 sets of each of the following (resting 2:00 minutes between sets)

5 inchworms to maximum walk out
Starting with your hands on the ground while you remain standing and hand-walking your way out to plank and back.

10 alternate shoulder taps (in plank position)
In a static plank pose, tap each shoulder alternately with your hand. Keep your core tight throughout.

20 second side plank (each side)

Hang from the bar for as long as you can.

For muscle building (lower body)

This routine has isometric holds as its keynote move. These should be performed with everything tensed including abs.

3 sets of each of the following (30 secs rest after each exercise)

30 second wall sit hold.
This one is back against the wall, thighs parallel to the floor and accessing your inner strength to keep going.

30-second lunge isometric hold, one leg

30-second lunge isometric hold, the other leg

30-second calf raise isometric hold

10 air squats with the same tempo as above
Three seconds to lower and a one-second hold at the bottom, fast drive up.

Rest 1:00 minute

100 walking or static lunges

A full-body focused day

A set at each number 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

  • Push up
  • Squat
  • Pull up
  • Lunge

For fat loss (upper body)

3-5 sets of the following with one minute at each station and a two minute break in between sets

  1. Burpee
  2. Pull up
  3. Push up
  4. Hanging knee raise

For mobility (full body)

The best calisthenics exercises for your fitness goals


1-3 sets of the following exercises:

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