Wear The Gown: Healthy eating during the holidays for diabetics

You can still enjoy holiday treats, but you have to eat, and drink, smartly.

SAN ANTONIO — Thanksgiving, Christmas, and holiday parties are just around the corner, and that means more opportunities for unhealthy eating and drinking. This time of the year can be especially hard for diabetics. Food is one thing that we all have in common, particularly with carbohydrates. But for diabetics they can cause a huge problem with blood sugar.

“That’s what raises our blood sugar. And so we need them. But at the same time, especially having those conditions, we need to be a little more careful about how much we have at one time so it doesn’t raise our blood sugar,” said Carlie Hill who is a registered dietician and diabetes educator with the Texas Diabetes Institute within University Health. She says you need to stick to the good carbs. Hill said, “Two slices of toast would be two sources of carbohydrates. Fresh fruit not only has fiber, but it is a source of natural carbohydrates and milk.”  

But Hill says the biggest culprit this time of year and sugary beverages like sodas and juices. Hill told us, “I like to refer to these as liquid candy because they’re truly just made up of just sugar.” 

The CDC has these tips for healthy eating during the holidays. Have a holiday-proof plan when you know unhealthy options will be all around you. Outsmart the buffet by grabbing a smaller plate. Fit in favorites but have a small serving. Get moving by taking a walk after each holiday meal. And get your Zzzz’s which makes it easier to control your blood sugar. Hill added, “Life is meant to be enjoyed, but at the same time, it’s just one day, not a whole week and not a whole month.”  

On November 14th the Texas Diabetes Institute is holding an event for World Diabetes Day. The free event will include glucose testing, holiday recipe demos, and healthy food and recipe giveaways. 

For more information about family health call 210-358-3045. You can also find the rest of Wear The Gown stories, just go to WearTheGown.com.

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