Dogs are our best friends, and we know if we want to keep them fit and healthy, much like us, we need to give them a good diet – but can you spot the doggy superfoods in this baffling brainteaser?
Completing a brainteaser a day is really good for your mind, as the more you do, the easier they’ll get to answer.
Natural dog food brand Harringtons is challenging people with this tricky seek-and-find puzzle to spot the hidden superfood among the rest of the other foods – and if you can manage to spot it, your eyesight is really keen. Just one in 10 people are said to be able to spot the five blueberries amongst the other superfoods.
Superfoods for dogs are foods that have an abundance of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial compounds. They offer many health benefits beyond basic nutrition, like improving digestibility and supporting immune functions, contributing to dogs’ overall well-being – but can you spot the five blueberries in the image above?
Only one in 10 people can spot the blueberries, and they’re hidden really well within the image thanks to the colour of the background – but if you look really closely, you’ll be able to spot them.
They’re scattered around the image, do you think you’ll be able to find them? If you haven’t by now, the answer is coming right up, so stop scrolling.
Did you manage to spot the blueberries? They were so well hidden, so give yourself a massive pat on the back if you managed to locate them.
If you’re looking for more to keep your brain busy, why not attempt to spot the strawberry among the watermelons? Or, if you’re up for something a little more tricky, you can try to spot the animal within the zig-zag image. Or, see whether you have a ‘highly intelligent mind’ by working out the next number in the baffling maths sequence.
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